Monday, October 20, 2008

How did my life come to this?

Yesterday was one of the worst days I've ever had! My mother and brother got in an argument about him and his friends living at her house. She's sick of them living in the basement rent free. Not only rent free but they are disrespectful in every way. They have two dogs that run around the backyard ripping stuff up. They never feed them. I feed them. They come inside the house and tear things apart in here too. Who ends up cleaning up that mess??? not the girls... You'd think that if you were living rent free in some one's home you would go out of your way to make it known that you appreciate that. Do the dishes, clean the house, do some yard work.. at least clean up after yourself and your pets! But no... they don't...

Well it came to what we thought was an end yesterday. Mom and Mike are yelling... I'm in my room with the door shut, listening. I didn't want to get in the middle of it. Then BOOM! my door gets kicked in. What the hell?!?!?! Now I'm pissed and scared... I text my cousin to call the cops. I didn't have phone service or I would have called myself. I also couldn't get outside thanks to my brother standing in the hallway blocking that path. I'd never seen him pissed like this before. I didn't know what he was going to do...

Finally he goes to his room. I B line it for outside. I call Toni to see if she has called the cops yet... She had. About 5 minutes later they show up. The first cops approaches me.. Crap... I know him... well of him... he's a friend from Jr. High and High School's brother... He asks what is going on.. I start to tell him.. he then walks past me and inside. I follow and call my mom downstairs. We each take our turns talking to the cops and telling our story. The whole time I'm bawling.. My mom's bawling and Mike's just pissed. Mean while the girls are downstairs doing god only knows. The cops then talk to them I'm not sure exactly what was said but I know the jist of it was you're not welcome here anymore.

They give Mike an arrest citation and ask him to leave to cool off. The girls leave through the garage before he does. The cops continue to talk to me and my mom. Then the cop I "knew" says "remember Matt Madsen?" "uh... yeah. why?" I respond. "oh that was just him on the air... he said to tell you hi." Wow.. now I feel dumb... My friend Matt now knows about what's going on... I knew he was with WVCPD I should have known... I decided to text him and say hi back... He said he would have come inside be had to go to another call. Thank god for that. I could only imagine what I looked like. :(

After all is said and done we sat and cried... Thinking what happened??!! I now had the worst migraine EVER!

I ended up throwing up a couple of times from the pain so I decided I needed to lay down.

Mike came home to get stuff... didn't say anything to us and left.

You'd think that after all this if you were "the girls" you would a. not come back for a while. b. come back get stuff and leave again. or c. come in and be like a ghost. not seen or heard. Well they did nothing of the sort. This is where I throw in that I work at 2 am Mon-Fri. and I'm up around 1-1:30 am. Well this morning I get woken up at 1 by the girls coming in the garage. I'm thinking "you have got to be kidding me!!!!" I then get up around 1:20 to get ready. I can hear them while I'm upstairs laughing and talking like nothing happened! I walked in my mom's room to see if she was up... yeah she was. I said "do you hear that?!" She looked and me and goes "yeah... I can't even believe it." I was so pissed! I wanted to walk down there and scream! "HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT!" sorry for the cursing but when I'm pissed I can't control it. nothing says it better than the F word. By the time I left for work the lights were off and it was quiet. no reason to cause a problem now.

Here I am now... on the computer looking at my Myspace. I happen across one of the girls pages and take a look at some pics... WHAT IS THIS!? I find a pic of one of them in MY SHIRT!!! not only that but the other one leaves a comment saying "Whitney's." So they clearly know it's not theirs!!!!!!!!!! WHO DOES THIS!? I want to write on her page and be like are you kidding me?! Here's the pic. I saved it just in case they decided to erase it I'll have it... EWWWWWWW! Well now the story is done. What happened to my life... how did it come to this?


Just me n Hay said...

Can't your mom just kick them out?!? Honestly...

Anonymous said...

What the crap? Kick them out!!! I would be so pissed if someone was wearing my clothes like that.