Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Weird craving #1- Bacon. I hate Bacon... never ever liked bacon... I saw a Wendy's commercial for some bacon cheeseburger and nearly started drooling... It looked sooo good!!

Other than that I haven't noticed anything else weird.

I was so sick yesterday. I went to see Eclipse with my friend LeAnn and thought I was going to puke on everyone in the theatre. Even in my sicken nauseated state the movie was amazing. I only had to close my eyes for maybe 3 minutes to calm my stomach.

it's out!

Well my father knows and is surprisingly very excited! makes my life easier :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

the reason

Well I decide to go private because I felt if someone wanted to be added to the list they would actually care and respect my feelings and wishes.

Well Taylor and I found out officially last Friday that we are expecting! I am sooooo excited!!!
I've told my mom and some friends. Taylor has told his family and some friends. I hesitate in telling my father. If you've read my other posts you'll understand why... Pretty much he expects way too much from me being his oldest and only daughter. I'll tell him one day.

For the time being I ask that if you read this please do not post anything on Facebook. At least until I break the news to him lol On here is fine since he doesn't have access.

So there ya go!!! Baby on the way!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


If you wanna be a part of my "secret life" send me an email and I'll add you!

I'll be going private tomorrow! :)