Thursday, October 28, 2010

Latest appointment

My latest appointment went really well. I had been in a lot of pain lately due to round ligament pain. If you haven't experienced this start praying now that you don't! Most women get it when they sneeze or cough so it only lasts a few seconds. Mine, of course it would be more, lasted from Thursday to Saturday to where I couldn't move without wanting to die, or feeling like I was dying. It's still with me just not nearly as bad. Mainly when i sit down or try to get up from sitting down.
I was hoping the Dr would be able to help with the pain. Maybe tell me how to help relieve it or something... but no. Rest and Tylenol.

Other than that he said Charlie is looking good! there is still some debris in the fluid surrounding her but nothing to worry about right now. Her brain, kidneys and bladder looked great! Since we're doing so good this appointment our next one isn't for 4 weeks :( I had kind of liked having a 3 week appointment. But he said after that appointment we start going a lot more. That means its getting close!!!!!!

I have such mixed feelings about giving birth. I want to keep her inside where I can keep her safe and warm. But I really can't wait to hold her and see her!

We got some cute U/S pics that I need to get scanned and put up. The pics I take with my phone from the U/S never look as good.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Half way?

I figured that I won't consider myself half way there until I hit about 24 weeks. Since I didn't even know for the first 5-6 weeks it doesn't feel half way there.

Last night me and my fellow pregger friends Brooke and Nizel went to dinner. I was craving Olive Garden salad and luckily the others said they were fine with going there as well :) It was so nice to be around other ladies that feel somewhat the same as I do. I do feel though that I'm not showing as much as those 2 are. They are at the point where you can tell they are preggo and not fat. Hopefully that will save those 2 from stretch marks. they are slowly and steady growing. I still feel on the verge of looking like I ate too much lol. I'm worried that all my growth will happen all at once! and Stretch markville here I come. :(

I can't wait to go to and have a shower for friends and myself. I went to my friend Amanda's shower the other day and the little clothes are soooo cute!!! I tried to be good and only bought 2 things for Charlie. I can't wait to see all the cute things all my friends get!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dr Update

So when we had our appointment on Tuesday the Ultrasound tech was so nice and much more talkative. They said my placenta is still looking weird, but in the 3 weeks in between appointments Charlie had a good 3 weeks of growth. So that was good! They said her brain looks good. She had a full bladder which means insides are working :)

The Dr said he's cautiously optimistic. He said everything is looking good, but didn't want to say I'm in the clear yet. He said he still didn't know exactly what was going on with me but the 3 weeks of growth is good. I also got the flu shot while I was there which has left my arm sore :( but hopefully no flu this season :)

I like that our appointments have been moved to every 3 weeks. I know it was only a week, but 4 weeks seemed to take FOREVER!

I'm so glad we finally know what we're having!!!! I read a bunch of things before my appointment to see what I could eat or drink to get her to move more. I had tried OJ last time but I think since I drink it all day everyday she's use to it by now. I read drinking something cold before would "irritate" the baby into moving around more. Well when we'd go to the Dr since we're at the U I got a treat of a Starbucks Frap when we left (it's on the main floor and walking past it and not getting anything was just cruel.) This time I decided I'd get it before. Well it certainly did the trick. The first thing the nurse said was "baby sure is a wiggle worm!" The last time she literally only kicked her feet a little. This time getting to see her dancing around was so much fun. She was moving her hands and arms around, opening and closing her mouth (nurse said she was drinking the fluid, which was good.)

It's so crazy to think that just by knowing that she's a girl my heart has grown! I loved this baby before I knew but now? I love her even more!

I also found out today that my Short Term Disability is completely approved! Thank goodness! Once we start getting a check I'll be able to feel a little less guilty about Taylor working his ass off all day every day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ribbons and bows

Well the news is in and we're having a girl!!! Charlie is her name... it's so nice to be able to refer to her with a name or she/her. I really didn't think that after so many of my friends just had or are having girls that there was a chance we too would be having a girl. I'm so happy though!!!