Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I've been hearing and reading a lot about miscarriage. Once I start reading I can't stop... It makes me so sad that people are going through this. I read one where everything was fine at their appointments and then on their next appointment no heartbeat. This makes me terrified that it could happen to me. My next appointment isn't until the 17th and I'm counting down the days and minutes... I need to just hear my little's heart again to know it's ok. I sure hope I'm just scaring myself and everything is ok. I just can't help my mind wandering. :(

I'm so excited to hear what all my friends that are pregnant are having! Torrie finds out today :)

I did a little test called Intelligender. It's like an at home gender test. I thought it'd be fun just to take the test then see if when the doctor tells us if it was right. So for the test's sake we are having a boy!!! Time will tell :)


Mike and Jaime Jeppson said...

There is always that fear...but...don't let that consume your mind. It it's going to happen it will and there will be nothing you can do. You could be on bed rest and being so super careful and it could still happen. I have a GOOD feeling that you will carry this baby to term and SHE will be healthy! :) You are going to be such a wonderful mom Whit! So wonderful.

Mike and Jaime Jeppson said...

Oh...and did you know you can get a monitor that you can hear the heartbeat at home?? It's really cool and I don't think they are too expensive. You should look into it. I borrowed one from a friend when I was prego with Remy. It was really cool!