I made it out alive... well almost... I hit the snow pretty hard on our second run. My tailbone hurts so bad! I didn't think it was that bad when it happened. yeah it knocked the wind out of me... more because I wasn't expecting it. We did about 4-5 runs??? I can't remember. After the hit I was doing much better! Brad even said I was doing well. On our last run I told Brad to go ahead... I was just gonna stand there for a bit. My ass hurt so bad!We got back to his house to unload and I tried to walk up the steps... key word being tried. Man I hurt! I made it inside got changed and crashed on the couch. Brad made mac and cheese and it tasted like heaven lol. He got in the shower to get ready for work and I laid on the couch and passed out! That couch is of the devil. Far too comfy. He headed to work and I stayed planted on the couch. Eventually I made my way up and came to work :( My whole body is becoming very stiff. So I've had questions on who Brad is... Brad is a friend from when I worked at the Delta Center. Freaking awesome guy! We've been friends for about 5 years now. Brad is someone I can and do tell anything and everything to. I don't know what I'd do without him sometimes. :) Thanks for helping me today Brad! You're awesome in my book! Grape and Apple. lolSo I can't wait to go again! Once my body stops feeling like I just got hit by a truck. I'm sure tomorrow will be even worse but so worth it!!!
In case I die tomorrow snowboarding this will be my last post. LOLI can't wait to go!! YAY! finally! I will try and get Brad to take at least one ridiculous picture while we're up there... I'm scared out of my mind and excited all at once! AH!!!!
I'm sitting at work.. bored... I have my Ipod on shuffle and a certain song comes on that makes me think of only one person... I love him so much. I start to feel sad about where our lives have led us... apart. I decide for some odd reason to cause myself more pain and go look through old emails. Such a bad idea. I find one that just makes me bawl. Where did that love go? How can things change so drastically in a few short months? I hate time. I hate distance. I hate caring. I hate love... it always turns to pain.
Such a dumb holiday... I could certainly do without it.
So this is what happens when I'm stuck at work bored out my freaking mind. I completely change my blog. I had one before this that was really neat looking but it had some weird things that I couldn't make go away... So I settled with Top Secret :)Work is insanely boring... I can only play games online so much before I want to chuck the computer out the window, if I were anywhere near a window. I've been working hard on my dieting and exercising. I'm down 40 lbs. INSANE! It hasn't been easy but it also hasn't been that hard... had I only known this would have been taken care of a long time ago. Thank goodness for the Wii Fit. It has helped so much... lame I know. Lane and I went and bought some new jeans the other day and I already need to go get a smaller size... they are too big. :)I wish my hair would grow... I know... quite bleaching it and maybe it would... Have you seen my hair natural? Not cute!I'm on break now... I'm gonna run away from the monotony for a moment... maybe I'll find my way back.
First official day on the job on the official schedule. WOW! This is boring. But I can't complain... I'm getting paid to sit here and play games! Really. That's what I do. My shift is from 2:45-11:15 pm and I've taken 5 calls. Could this get any better??? I've got my Ipod on, games going like there's no tomorrow, a cute boy texting me, and I'm getting paid really well.
I have the feeling this blog will get updated nearly every night :)
Work has been going really well... I just wish training/shadowing was over. I want to be out on my own already!
My life is becoming so very complicated and yet it's so simple.
A couple of weekends ago a friend and I went to a couple of hockey games... I thought it was going to be so very awkward! My mom and her fiance(Phil) where there. Phil played in the first game. It was Guns vs. Hoses. Then after the game we went to dinner with them... awkward? oddly not at all. Phil and my friend got along famously while chit chatting about golf! My mom and I just sat there like really? All in all a good night.
Then last Friday Jaime and I got to go to another Jazz game... so much fun! I love spending time with this girl! A few nights before that we went to get ice cream with another good friend Julie. I love this girl too! I hope to see her around more often :) Didn't I hear something about a craft night???
At work I've made some pretty good friends along the way.. Jenn, Andrew (we worked together at GE before) Char, Rich and Ben... Great people to be around!
This weekend we are trying to figure something out so we can celebrate my birthday and Andrew's. So hard to get such a completely different group of people together. But I hope it all works out and we have fun! I'm sure we will. :)
I got all my snowboard stuff and I can't wait to go! Brad and I need to figure out a day when we can... I'm pretty sure I'm going to nearly kill myself.
Hopefully I will be getting my ribs done this weekend! We shall see! and if I do there will be pics up :)