So I was looking around at a website and happen to come across this. If you know me you'll know why I post this and maybe you'll begin to understand just a little bit more. It's refreshing to know that maybe, just maybe someone else out there has the same thought proccess as I do. Do not judge me. I don't judge you.
Humans are naturally social creatures. Society is based on the evolution and developments of relationships and social interaction: friendship, flirtation, and promiscuity. If these are the foundations of how we interact, then why do most societies restrict themselves by the shackles of sexual monogamy?Infidelity surveys estimate that about 53% of people will have one or more affairs in their lifetime. Undoubtedly this correlates to the 43% of failed marriages in the US. (And seriously, if it wasn't for the anti-divorce culture of some ethnicities, it would be a lot higher here). If so many people cheat or have the propensity to cheat, then perhaps the negative stereotype of cheating is misconstrued. After all, moral compasses were not meant to forcefully drive your life, they were meant to provide guidance to your life.You probably have the impression that cheating is one of the worst things you can do, right up there with taking a life and ... well maybe betraying your best friend. It's something that we have been raised with, and simply instilled upon over and over again by society. But once you are close to someone who has cheated ... or even someones who have cheated ... and you understand their perspectives with an open mind, and not the closed mindedness that most people tend to have, your perceptions shift. You realize and come to understand that cheating is a part of human nature, that we simply cannot be so restrained, that the circular shackle that resides on people's ring finger - whether physical or mental - is something that is nothing more than symbolic.I take life with no preconceptions, with no decided mentality, with nothing set in stone, because why should you lock yourself down when there are so many experiences left to live. Life is too short to worry about things such as suppressing your natural urge to flirt with people that you find attractive, simply because you are bound by the words "i'm taken."There is a difference of love and lust. These two words are by no means bound together, although you hope that the person you fall in love with is the person that you will always have lust for. Marriage is based upon love, a partnership that is formed by a strong connection of two people that hope to share a life together as we are naturally social creatures. Affairs are based upon lust, a feeling that is formed by the attraction of two people who have a physical chemistry as we are naturally social creatures.So the next time you find out your significant other has cheated on you, think about whether or not you have more than lust, think about if you have love. Forget trust, forget forgiveness, forget faithfulness, as the memory will always be burned into your mind. Instead, just decide if that connection you have is stronger than anything else, if nothing else matters. As long as you have that connection, you will have love.
whit -
i wanted to leave a comment on here, and i hope this doesn't come accross as judgement. b/c that's not how i mean it. i just want to throw out some support for fidelity. :)
i dont think that people who cheat are bad people. i believe that cheating is an action - a choice - and it is wrong.
i think it's wrong b/c by cheating you a breaking a promise, a commitment, or at the very least, an agreement, with the person you entered into a monogamous relationship with. i think the more serious the relationship, the more wrong cheating is. b/c the more serious the relationship, the stronger that promise was.
and breaking that promise is going to hurt the person you made it to. it is betraying that person.
if you are a person who is going to cheat, or you know you will lust after others than that one you are with - i think it is your responsibility to NOT enter into a monogamous relationship in the first place.
if you have the temptation to cheat, you can choose NOT to cheat. you can make the choice to tell your partner about your feelings. yes that will hurt them, but i think it will hurt less than a broken promise and betrayal. then you can decide together if you think you should continue the relationship.
i believe there is one person meant for everyone. and that person will satisfy your love AND your lust. you might still be tempted to stray. but those moments are there to test our character.
and (not judging) if you do believe that following lust is okay, even if you are in a relationship - then i think you have to tell any potential boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife that FIRST. before you enter the relationship, before you follow a feeling of lust. then they can decide if they can deal with it. some people are okay with it - there are a lot of swingers out there.
anyway, those are my thoughts. coming from the perspective of someone who's been on all points of the cheater triangle.
I love your response! Thank you. There are several points in your reply that I do completely agree with. I also hope that anyone that reads my post and your reply will see that I'm not one sided. :)
I hope you know that the article I posted wasn't from me directly and I can say there were certain things in that that I don't necessarily agree with. I just found it very interesting. You might like the site I found it on as well. There were some other topics on there that I found very interesting.
Check out there are some weird stories on there as well but all in all a good site :)
Love you Jackie!!!
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