Thursday, May 7, 2009

weight loss

Just a little story I'd like to call "what the hell happened?"

I just let myself go... Why did I do that? I look back at pics and I'm disgusted with myself. Yeah the pics might mark good times but wow. I think this post is more of a reminder to myself to look back and realize I wasn't at a good place in my life... weight wise. Don't let that happen again. :(




Cassie said...

You look great, Whit!

Whit said...

Thanks Cassie! I feel a lot better too :)

Anonymous said...

As I sat next to you today at lunch, I gazed at your beauty when you weren't looking and noticed how great you look. I should have said something then, but I'll say it now - YOU LOOK GREAT!!!

Kandyce said...

You're beautiful!! Love you!!!

Just me n Hay said...

I will agree with everyone else, you look great!! Love you!

Whit said...

Awwww... Thank you so much you guys! I love you all!!! It certainly helps to further motivate me to keep it up :)

Julie~ I seriously teared up at that comment.. Thank you! I freaking love you!

SJ said...

You look so good! How did you do it, may I ask? I am needing tips. :)

Whit said...

It started with going through a hard time end of last year and then turned into exercising and watching what I eat. I don't usually eat badly but I don't eat wisely either. I started cutting out the crap I knew wasn't good aka potato chips LOL I was really surprised at home quickly it started to come off...

SJ said...

Awesome! I know the trick is exercise and healthy eating, but I spend all day with my baby and it is so easy to wander into the kitchen at any time and snack. That's awesome it has worked for you! What do you do for exercise?

Whit said...

well I use to run a lot and I'm getting back in to that now.. but to start out I was on the wii fit. I love it! they have a game where it's that Jillian lady from Biggest Loser and she will kick your ass! it's a lot of fun!

jillian said...

You look super cute! I'll have to get a wii fit to get rid of the baby weight I put on...