Well we were in L&D again Monday. I thought for sure she was coming. I counted contractions for 2 hours before I woke Taylor up at 6:30 and said we needed to go. I contracted the entire way there and wouldn't you know it, as soon as we get hooked up to the monitors... NOTHING! They checked and I was still at 1 cm but 60-70% effaced. I've been spotting since and in constant worsening pain.
At my appt today they said I'm still the same. I don't know how that's possible with the contractions I've been having. They gave me my induction date of the 23rd. 5 days past my due date :( I'm so not happy about that. I think/hope she comes before. This pain needs to be over.
I'm to the point where if someone says something dumb to me I'm going to snap!!! If one more person mentions having sex to get Charlie here I'm going to scream!!! I AM IN PAIN!! Let's scar my husband for life by me crying through sex from pain... cause that's worth it!!! good hell people... That and telling me to go running... Pain and running doesn't sound like fun to me! I nearly snapped at people at the hospital yesterday morning and today. Yesterday, while contracting, we had 2 people jump into the elevator as the doors were closing. I told Taylor when we got off that if one more person had jumped in I was gonna yell at them! Then today while trying to get off the elevator there was like 6 people trying to walk on! How about you let the people off before you trying getting in eh? Not to mention that I had to squeeze through them to get into the freaking hall.
I'm so frustrated that everything is really starting to piss me off. I've been holding back for so long I'm afraid I'm gonna SNAP!